Seven Day Diet Plan — Part 2
Seven Day Diet Plan — Part 2

A diet is an important aspect of the look of our body. Everybody likes a lean and thin body. This is impossible without a proper and systematic diet. We need an effective diet plan for this. It is a Seven-day diet plan which can help you to get the desired results. You can take this as a Seven-day diet challenge.

I have already explained Part — I of Seven-day meal plan to Lose Weight, you can check it here

- Seven Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss — Part I

So what are foods to eat to lose weight? Let’s see,

This is Part II of the Seven-day diet to lose weight. This is the diet for a systematic weight loss and management and not a sudden weight loss gimmick. The food for the diet plan has to be home-cooked healthy food prepared with easily available and not so expensive ingredients. This will be a refined sugar-free diet plan and we are not using any refined oil or processed food in this. You have to use unrefined coconut oil and desi ghee. You can also use any unrefined oil from the local market place.

This plan takes care of nutritional requirements and includes morning and bedtime drinks that help to boost your metabolism.

Important factors in this Seven-Day Meal Plan

  • Eat fresh fruits for a week which are like snacks for your in-between meal of the day.
  • 30 to 40 minutes of fast walking or yoga each day regularly.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day i.e. a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses a day.
  • Try to sleep by at least 10:30 pm every day.
  • Stay away from sugar sugar for the entire week.

Now to begin with a fast weight loss diet plan to lose 5 kg approximately in 5 days,

1] For Early Morning,

  • Resume your day with Cinnamon tea which helps to burn stomach fat and helps to boost metabolism.

2] For Breakfast,

  • Protein-rich paneer spread on a slice of brown bread is the quick and easy filling option for the breakfast. For this, you have to take 50 grams of Paneer and mix it with one and a half tablespoon of oil-free weight loss green chutney. Spread the paneer mix on a slice of brown bread and sprinkle chaat masala on top for an Indian flavor.
  • You can take this with freshly cut slices of an apple.

3] For Mid Morning Snack,

  • You can have half or a single banana for a mid-morning snack.

4] For Lunch,

  • You have to take turmeric oats as these whole oats along with fresh coconut will keep your stomach fulfilled till the next meal. These are so fulfilling, tasty and easy lunch to make.

5] For Evening Snack,

  • You can have a handful of roasted peanuts as they have healthy fats necessary for the energy dip.
  • You can have milk tea or coffee without any added sugar.

6] For Dinner,

  • You should take a healthy salad which is low-carb mixed with boiled channa and sweet potato i.e Channa Salad served on a lettuce leaf (without roti or rice ). Sweet potato has healthy carbs and proteins and they will help you to keep your stomach full for a longer time. So you do not have to take any roti or rice with this.

7] For Bedtime Drink

  • You should have ginger tea which helps to boost metabolism and cleanse your body.

If you want to read detailed information about this diet plan, then Click here

Full detailed article is available at — Seven day diet plan Day 2




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